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First time Manager

Based on more than a decade of working with organizations big and small & running programs for developing First time managers /New managers, the NEO Manager program offers facilitated learning for new managers on the framework, mindset and skillsets for the New Manager

According to statistics compiled on LinkedIn® Learning,

  • three out of four employees report that their bosses are the worst and most stressful part of their jobs
  • with 65% of employees saying they’d take a new boss over a pay raise.
  • A whopping 85% of executives aren’t confident in their leadership pipelines.
  • 40% of newly promoted employees fail in the first 18 months. Unfortunately, most organizations pay little attention to the newly promoted manager. This lack of support translates to a 40% failure rate in the first eighteen months.

In addition, according to surveys parsed by Entrepreneur, 87% of first-time managers wished they had more training before becoming a manager and don’t feel as if they’re ready to be leaders even though 99% of those companies surveyed said that they offer management training.


Coaching the new leadership is crucial to ensuring that the company benefits from its top talent. Don’t let a promotion become an employee retention mishap. And this is likely because many manager training programs in the workplace aren’t supplemented with coaching opportunities where new managers are coached and provided with guidance as they navigate new roles, teams, and responsibilities.

Here are some ways to take effective coaching skills into the role of manager and leader. These skills take practice, but the improvement in team cohesion will be evident almost immediately. Everyone has had “that boss” that crushes your spirit. These are employee desired ways to not be that guy.